Geeks Place Code of Conduct

How to be the best version of yourself

Before Class



Ensure that you are sitting in a quiet workspace.



Be prepared with your pen, pencils, notebook and other objects that you will require for your class.


Device check

Ensure that you set up your camera at eye level and that your face covers 70% of the screen, so that you are visible.

Use a microphone and not speakers so that the voices don’t echo and check them beforehand.


Internet connection

Ensure that you have a stable internet connection throughout the class.

If power cuts are frequent in your area, keep a phone with a mobile hotspot handy.

During Class



Enter the class 2 minutes before the class timing so that you have a buffer for any unforeseen issue.



Do not eat or drink during your class.

Sit professionally like you are in a classroom, do not lie down.

Keep yourself on mute till you need to participate in the class.

Do not engage in conversations with anyone in the background.



Be physically and mentally present for your online class, do not use any other devices, or open other tabs.

Have a decent demeanor, wear proper clothes at all times, be cautious as it is a public platform.



Use polite language while interacting.

Do not be sarcastic or rude.

Be interactive in class.

Keep your video on so your tutor can see and interact with you!

After Class


Solve your homework

Ensure that you consistently solve your homework after the class.

Maintain a notebook for the same and note down your doubts that you can clarify when the time is right.


Solve the quizzes for revision and strengthen your concepts by asking whatever doubts from your tutor.

The” Geeks Place Online tuition class “is a live learning environment. Therefore the expectation is that your child will maintain the decorum of the classroom. To this front if any of the following actions are conducted by the student it will be considered a serious breach of Geeks Place classroom code of conduct and the observed party will liable to be terminated from the Geeks Place Platform:

  1. Use of abusive or disrespectful language in the classroom.
  2. Undressing in part or in full during the live classroom.
  3. Use of hand gestures or body language that are universally rude or abusive.
  4. Attempt to shame the teacher in the class through references to appearance, caste, gender, religion and/or learning ability.
  5. Inappropriate use of the share screen button to share any explicit/ disturbing content.
  6. Sharing personal details or images of other students on a public platform.
  7. Taking screenshots of Geeks Place content and sharing it publically.
  8. Violent display by participants (parents and any other family members) in the background and/ or on screen.