Making sense of the education system

The English education system can seem complicated – here’s Geeks Place guide to SATs, SPaG, GCESs and BTECs. Trust us, it’s simple…

After school classes

State/Private Schools

As a starting point, most children attend state/Private schools. Many of these are comprehensive, which means they take boys and girls who live in a particular catchment area. In contrast, some state schools can select on the basis of gender or faith. A small proportion of English schools ask applicants to take an entrance exam and use academic performance as their primary entry criteria.

Primary schools

There is an ongoing debate about how children should be assessed throughout their school careers. Currently, external assessment starts in Key Stage 1, when pupils sit Standard Attainment Tests (SATs). These are used to assess how Year 2 children perform in English, science and math. In recent years, a spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPaG) paper has been added. Primary school pupils take another round of SATs in Year 6 before leaving for secondary school.

Key Stage 3 onwards

When children start secondary school, they are offered a broad curriculum. In Year 8 or 9 they have the chance to narrow the number of subjects on their timetable in preparation for GCSE programmes, which start seriously in Year 10. General Certificates of Education (GCSEs) are usually taken at the end of Key Stage 4. Most schools set aside two years to cover the subject knowledge and get ready for these public examinations. GCSEs are a crucial milestone in the English education system. Most employers and post-16 education providers will expect at least five GCSEs grade 4 or higher, including English language and math, and may require certain results in subjects such as math and English. In addition to GCSEs, many schools offer National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) in Key Stage 4. These provide alternative assessment routes, often involving a combination of practical learning and theoretical subject knowledge.

English education system

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